Friday, July 6, 2007

A Friend in You

A friend will be there
Through thick and thin
No matter how far you fall
They’ll rein their judgment in

Be there to lend support
Even when you’re down
When you make mistakes
Upon you they won’t frown

A friend is there to give you
The words you need to hear
The good, the bad, the ugly
And help you face your fear

Be there to comfort you
When your spirit needs a lift
Someone who will treasure you
And value friendship’s gift

A friend will forgive you
It’s what sets you apart
It is not something spoken
It’s a bond of the heart

Be there to show you care
Through happiness and woe
And will be there to hold your hand
No matter where you go

1 comment:

Sin said...

I am closer than you see me
and though I haven't always been
there when you needed me most
I have always seen the errors of
my ways guided by your love and

I don't always know the words to say
or the words you need to hear, but
I'm always willing to listen when you
want that shoulder to cry on.

I know you feel a great loss, and
wish I could take your pain away
but don't dwell on the dark clouds
of the past for there are always
clearer days on the way.

Sometimes the best thing a friend
can do is vanish from view, so that
you can live with only the good
memories that were formed and to
make it easier to forget the bad.