Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Creating Your World

As you may know, I've recenly re-done this blog site to my Second Life blogging. The main reason is to help share my learning curve in SL exploration as well as content creation with others. So after messing around quite a bit the past few weeks in SL (there was only a small learning curve due to my previous virtual world experiences), I've begun tredding a path that many begin and never finish..... SL Content Creation.

Already I've discovered how difficult it can be to begin creating content without a mentor or better resources to help guide the way. A vast majority of the experienced content creators are very close mouthed about their scripts and/or don't allow modification of scripts so that they can't be ripped. More power to them, as most are those which are out to make money and hell with the rest of the residents who actually want to learn. I say that as a blanket statment but as always there are exceptions to this rule... those who wish to help others learn for the betterment and advancement of the content available in SL.

As in real life, most 'technology' was built on old technology and improved. Ideas that were tweaked or redone... this is how society advances, without having to relearn the wheel each time on your own the fastest way for advancement is to learn from those who've already helped pave the road and work to find an improvement or new application for an old thing. This applies in SL too, with the open source of scripting and applications that many have done, including Linden Labs, we've been able to explore further than we could have if the building blocks were not openly available... or if residents did not collaborate on projects. After all, two heads are better than one, so they say.

It's with this ideal, of open source and sharing of knowledge that I am blogging. To share my journey as I go and hopefully help others along the way. Who knows, maybe the next new idea will spawn from something I might have given an idea to... all the better for the advancement of the metaverse content. As I learn, I'll work to share the knowledge and try to keep most of the scripting open for copy/modify when possible. Any scripting or methods you find here are open for modifying and feel free to comment with any additions or corrections. After all, I'm still learning and always willing to accept help when it's offered.

So anyways... I do ramble on... Last night I picked up my copy of the Second Life: Official Guide and Creating Your World: Official Guide to start the learning process. As you can see in my previous blog post, I've also begun doing online research with what information I've been able to find. Hopefully more will emerge as time goes on. I do recommend these two books as basic primers into SL as well as object creation and even basic LSL scripting. After what I have read so far I've already learned many tips and tricks I didn't even know existed within SL!

There's also many great tutorials on some very basic objects... but sadly most of what I want to make for my personal use is stuff that the creators aren't openly sharing at this time. So we'll have to take our ideas along with the fundamentals we will learn and try to reinvent the wheel. Being that I come from a non-programing background, I am at the most basic of scripting levels... the old copy/paste method. But that said, I want to learn LSL and how to create my own scripts. Hopefully I can find a mentor willing to teach, otherwise we'll be going this alone.

Now lets go Create our World!

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